HSN Code Chapter 11: Milling Products, Malt, Wheat Gluten, Starches, and Inulin

In Chapter 11 of the Harmonized System Nomenclature (HSN) Code, the classification revolves around “Milling Products, Malt, Wheat Gluten, Starches, and Inulin,” offering a detailed categorization for various agricultural and industrial products derived from grains and starches. This chapter encompasses a diverse range of products, including milled grains such as flour and meal, malt used … Read more

HSN Code Chapter 10: Cereals

In Chapter 10 of the Harmonized System Nomenclature (HSN) Code, the focus is on “Cereals,” providing a systematic classification for a wide range of grains used as staple food items worldwide. This chapter encompasses various cereals, including wheat, rice, maize, barley, oats, and sorghum, among others. Cereals are a fundamental component of the human diet … Read more

HSN Code Chapter 9: Tea, Coffee, Mate, and Spices

In Chapter 9 of the Harmonized System Nomenclature (HSN) Code, the focus is on “Tea, Coffee, Mate, and Spices,” providing a comprehensive classification system for a diverse range of beverages and flavoring agents. This chapter encompasses various types of tea, including black tea, green tea, and herbal infusions, along with coffee beans and coffee-based products. … Read more

HSN Code Chapter 8: Edible Fruits and Nuts, Citrus Fruit or Melon Peel

In Chapter 8 of the Harmonized System Nomenclature (HSN) Code, the focus is on “Edible Fruits and Nuts, along with the Peel of Citrus Fruits or Melons,” offering a detailed classification system for a diverse range of plant-based food products. This chapter encompasses various types of edible fruits, including tropical fruits, berries, and stone fruits, … Read more

HSN Code Chapter 7: Edible Vegetables and Certain Roots and Tubers

In Chapter 7 of the Harmonized System Nomenclature (HSN) Code, the focus is on “Edible Vegetables and Certain Roots and Tubers,” providing a comprehensive classification system for a wide variety of plant-based food items. This chapter encompasses a diverse range of edible vegetables, including leafy greens, root vegetables, and tubers, along with specific roots and … Read more

HSN Code Chapter 6: Live Trees, Plants, Bulbs, Roots, Cut Flowers, and Ornamental Foliage

In Chapter 6 of the Harmonized System Nomenclature (HSN) Code, the focus is on “Live Trees, Plants, Bulbs, Roots, Cut Flowers, and Ornamental Foliage,” offering a comprehensive classification system for various botanical products. This chapter encompasses a diverse array of living vegetation, including trees, shrubs, bulbs, and roots, along with cut flowers and decorative foliage. … Read more

HSN Code Chapter 5: Miscellaneous Animal-Derived Products

In Chapter 5 of the Harmonized System Nomenclature (HSN) Code, the classification focuses on “Other Products of Animal Origin Not Specified Elsewhere,” offering a comprehensive categorization for various animal-derived items that do not fall under specific classifications in preceding chapters. This chapter encompasses a wide range of miscellaneous products sourced from animals, including but not … Read more

HSN Code Chapter 4: Dairy Produce, Birds Eggs, Honey, and Unspecified Edible Animal Products

In Chapter 4 of the Harmonized System Nomenclature (HSN) Code, the focus lies on “Dairy Produce, Birds Eggs, Honey, and Other Edible Animal Products Not Elsewhere Specified,” presenting a comprehensive classification system for various animal-derived food items. This chapter encompasses a diverse range of products, including dairy produce such as milk, cheese, and butter, along … Read more

HSN Code Chapter 3: Fish, Molluscs, Crustaceans, and Other Aquatic Invertebrates

In Chapter 3 of the Harmonized System Nomenclature (HSN) Code, the focus is on “Fish, Molluscs, Crustaceans, and Other Aquatic Invertebrates,” presenting a comprehensive classification system for aquatic products. This chapter is crucial in international trade, offering standardized categorizations for a wide range of marine and freshwater species utilized for human consumption, aquaculture, and industrial … Read more

HSN Code Chapter 2: Meat and Edible Offal

In Chapter 2 of the Harmonized System Nomenclature (HSN) Code, the focus is on “Meat and Edible Offal,” encompassing a wide array of animal-based products. This chapter plays a vital role in international trade by providing standardized classifications for various types of meat and offal derived from animals such as cattle, poultry, swine, and more. … Read more