Demystifying HSN & SAC Codes in India: A Comprehensive Guide

Welcome to the ultimate resource for understanding Harmonized System of Nomenclature (HSN) and Services Accounting Code (SAC) in India! Whether you’re a seasoned entrepreneur, a budding business owner, or just someone curious about taxation and business classifications, you’ve come to the right place. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve deep into what HSN and SAC codes are, why they matter, how they impact businesses in India, and how you can navigate through them effectively.

Understanding HSN & SAC Codes

What are HSN Codes?

HSN codes, or Harmonized System of Nomenclature codes, are an internationally accepted and standardized system for classifying goods in trade. They were introduced by the World Customs Organization (WCO) to facilitate the systematic classification of goods across borders. In India, HSN codes are used for the systematic classification of goods for taxation purposes, particularly under the Goods and Services Tax (GST) regime.

Each HSN code consists of a series of numbers that represent different categories of goods. These codes range from two to eight digits, with each digit providing more detailed information about the product being classified. For instance, a two-digit HSN code might represent a broad category such as “textiles,” while an eight-digit code could represent a specific type of fabric.

The Structure of HSN Codes

HSN codes follow a hierarchical structure, with each code comprising a series of digits that convey specific information about the categorized goods. The codes range from 2 to 8 digits, offering varying levels of granularity in classification. Here’s a breakdown of the structure:

  • 2-Digit Level: The first two digits represent the chapter, providing a broad classification of goods into overarching categories.
  • 4-Digit Level: The first four digits denote the heading, offering a more detailed classification within each chapter.
  • 6-Digit Level: The first six digits signify the sub-heading, providing further granularity in the classification.
  • 8-Digit Level: The full eight digits represent the tariff item, offering the most detailed classification of goods.

What are SAC Codes?

On the other hand, SAC codes, or Services Accounting Codes, are used to classify services under the GST regime in India. Similar to HSN codes, SAC codes help in the systematic categorization of services for taxation purposes. They are used to identify and levy GST on various services provided by businesses across different sectors.

Just like HSN codes, SAC codes also follow a numerical system for classification. Each SAC code represents a specific type of service, with higher digits providing more detailed classifications. These codes play a crucial role in determining the applicable GST rates for different services.

The Structure of SAC Codes

SAC codes follow a hierarchical structure, consisting of a series of digits that convey specific information about the categorized services. The codes range from 2 to 6 digits, offering varying levels of granularity in classification. Here’s a breakdown of the structure:

  • 2-Digit Level: The first two digits represent the major service categories, providing a broad classification of services.
  • 4-Digit Level: The first four digits denote the main service category, offering a more detailed classification within each major category.
  • 6-Digit Level: The full six digits represent the detailed service description, providing the most specific classification of services.

How does the HSN code system operate?

HSN codes primarily serve dealers and traders, guiding them in product classification. Depending on specific criteria, they are required to adopt HSN codes of 2, 4, or 8 digits.

Business TurnoverRequired HSN Code Length
Less than Rs. 1.5 croresNot required
Rs. 1.5 crores to Rs. 5 crores2 digits
Above Rs. 5 crores4 digits
Import, export, and international trade8 digits

Deciphering the HSN Code

HSN StructureQuantity

Each Section comprises Chapters, and each Chapter consists of Headings. Furthermore, each Heading is subdivided into Subheadings. While Section and Chapter titles delineate broad categories of goods, Headings and Subheadings offer detailed descriptions of specific products.

Why HSN & SAC Codes Matter

  1. Regulatory Compliance:

One of the primary reasons why HSN and SAC codes matter is regulatory compliance. Under the GST regime, businesses are required to accurately classify their goods and services using the appropriate HSN and SAC codes. Failure to do so can result in compliance issues, including penalties and legal consequences. By understanding and adhering to HSN and SAC code requirements, businesses can ensure compliance with GST regulations and avoid unnecessary complications.

  1. Taxation and Pricing:

HSN and SAC codes also play a significant role in taxation and pricing. The GST rates applicable to goods and services vary depending on their classification under the HSN and SAC code system. Businesses need to correctly determine the applicable HSN or SAC code for their products or services to calculate GST accurately. Moreover, understanding the classification of goods and services can also help businesses in pricing their products competitively and effectively managing their tax liabilities.

  1. Cross-Border Trade:

For businesses engaged in import and export activities, HSN codes are crucial for international trade. These codes help in the uniform classification of goods, thereby facilitating smoother customs clearance procedures and reducing trade barriers. By correctly assigning HSN codes to their products, exporters can ensure compliance with international trade regulations and enhance their competitiveness in the global market.

  1. Business Efficiency:

Proper classification of goods and services using HSN and SAC codes can also improve business efficiency. By organizing products and services into standardized categories, businesses can streamline inventory management, procurement processes, and accounting practices. This, in turn, can lead to cost savings, reduced errors, and better decision-making within the organization.

Navigating HSN & SAC Codes Effectively

Navigating through the complexities of HSN and SAC codes may seem daunting at first, but with the right approach, businesses can manage this aspect of taxation and compliance effectively. Here are some tips for navigating HSN and SAC codes effectively:

  1. Conduct Thorough Research:

Begin by conducting thorough research on the HSN and SAC codes relevant to your industry and business activities. Familiarize yourself with the classification system, including the structure of codes and the categories they represent. The GST Council website and other official resources like CBIC-GST, can serve as valuable sources of information in this regard.

  1. Seek Expert Guidance:

If you’re uncertain about the classification of your goods or services, don’t hesitate to seek expert guidance. Tax professionals, consultants, or industry associations can provide valuable insights and assistance in determining the correct HSN or SAC codes for your business activities. Investing in expert guidance upfront can save you time and resources in the long run.

  1. Update Regularly:

HSN and SAC codes are subject to periodic updates and revisions by the GST Council. Therefore, it’s essential to stay updated with the latest changes and amendments to ensure compliance with current regulations. Make it a practice to review and update your classification of goods and services regularly to reflect any changes in the HSN and SAC code system.

  1. Leverage Technology:

Utilize technology tools and software solutions that can help automate the process of classifying goods and services using HSN and SAC codes. Many accounting and ERP systems offer built-in features for HSN and SAC code classification, which can streamline your compliance efforts and reduce manual errors.

  1. Maintain Detailed Records:

Keep detailed records of the HSN and SAC codes assigned to your goods and services, along with supporting documentation such as invoices, purchase orders, and contracts. These records will not only help you in filing accurate GST returns but also serve as evidence of compliance in case of audits or inquiries by tax authorities.

Discover how products are grouped and organized for trade with our easy-to-follow guide on HSN codes. The table below breaks down goods into different categories using HSN codes from Chapter 01 to Chapter 99. Each chapter covers a specific range of products, giving you insights into the wide variety of items traded worldwide. Whether you’re a business owner, importer, exporter, or just curious about how products are sorted, our table is a helpful tool for understanding how goods are classified. Dive into the details here and learn more about the world of international trade.

Explore HSN Code-Based Distribution of Goods Across Chapters

Section 1. Animals and Animal Products
Chapter 1Live Animals and Animal Products
Chapter 2Meat and Edible offal
Chapter 3Fish, Molluscs, Crustaceans, and Other Aquatic Invertebrates
Chapter 4Dairy Produce, Birds Eggs, Honey, and Unspecified Edible Animal Products
Chapter 5Miscellaneous Animal-Derived Products
Section 2. Vegetables and Vegetable Products
Chapter 6Live Trees, Plants, Bulbs, Roots, Cut Flowers, and Ornamental Foliage
Chapter 7Edible Vegetables and Certain Roots and Tubers
Chapter 8Edible Fruits and Nuts, Citrus Fruit or Melon Peel
Chapter 9Tea, Coffee, Mate, and Spices
Chapter 10Cereals
Chapter 11Milling Products, Malt, Wheat Gluten, Starches, and Inulin
Chapter 12Oilseeds and Oleaginous Fruits, Grains, Straw, Fodder, Seeds, and Fruits
Chapter 13Lac, Gum, Resin, and Other Saps and Extracts
Chapter 14Vegetable Plaiting Materials and Unspecified Vegetable Products
Section 3. Animal or Vegetable Oils, Their Cleavage Products, Waxes, and
Prepared Edible Fats
Chapter 15Animal or Vegetable Oils, Their Cleavage Products, Waxes, and Prepared
Section 4. Prepared Food, Beverages, Spirits, Tobacco and Tobacco
Chapter 16Preparations of Meat, Fish, Crustaceans, Molluscs, or Other Aquatic Invertebrates
Chapter 17Sugar and Sugar Confectionery
Chapter 18Cocoa and Cocoa Preparations
Chapter 19Preparations of Cereals, Starch, Flour, Milk, and Pastry Products
Chapter 20Preparations of Vegetables, Fruits, Nuts, or Plant Part
Chapter 21Miscellaneous Edible Preparations
Chapter 22Beverages, Vinegar, and Spirits
Chapter 23Residues and Food Waste, Prepared Animal Fodder
Chapter 24Tobacco and Manufactured Tobacco Substitutes
Section 5. Minerals
Chapter 25Salt, Earths, Stones, Sulphur, Plastering Materials, Lime, and Cement
Chapter 26Ores, Slag, and Ashes
Chapter 27Mineral Fuels, Mineral Oils, Products of Their Distillation, Mineral Waxes, and Bituminous Substances
Section 6. Chemical Products or of Allied Industries
Chapter 28Inorganic Chemicals, Organic Compounds of Precious Metals, Rare-Earth Metals, Radioactive Elements, or Isotopes
Chapter 29Organic Chemicals
Chapter 30Pharmaceutical Products
Chapter 31Fertilisers
Chapter 32Tanning or Dyeing Extracts, Tannins and Their Derivatives, Dyes, Pigments, and Other Colouring Matter, Varnishes and Paints, Inks, Putty, and Other Mastics
Chapter 33Essential Oils, Resinoids, Cosmetic and Toilet Preparations, Perfumery
Chapter 34Cleansing Essentials and Beyond: Navigating the World of Hygiene and Household Products (Soap, washing preparations, organic surface-active agents, lubricating
preparations, prepared waxes, artificial waxes, polishing or scouring
preparations, candles and similar items, modelling pastes, dental
preparations and dental waxes with a basis of plaster)
Chapter 35Albuminoidal Substances, Glues, Enzymes, and Modified Starches
Chapter 36Explosives, Pyrotechnic Products, Pyrophoric Alloys, Certain Combustible Preparations, and Matches
Chapter 37Photographic or Cinematographic Goods
Chapter 38Miscellaneous Chemical Products
Section 7. Plastics, Rubber, and Articles Thereof
Chapter 39Plastics and Plastic Articles
Chapter 40Rubber and Rubber Articles
Section 8. Raw Hides and Skins, Furskins and Articles Thereof, Leather,
and Related Goods
Chapter 41Raw hides and skins (other than furskins) and leather
Chapter 42Leather Goods, Travel Accessories, and Animal Gut Articles (other than silkworm
Chapter 43Furskins and artificial fur and articles thereof
Section 9. Wood and Wooden Articles, Wood Charcoal, Cork and Articles of
Cork, Basket Ware and Wickerwork, Manufacturers of Straw, Esparto or Other
Plaiting Material
Chapter 44Wood and wooden articles, wood charcoal
Chapter 45Cork and articles of cork
Chapter 46Manufactures of straw, esparto or other plaiting materials, basket ware and
Section 10. Pulp of Wood or Other Fibrous Cellulosic Material, Recovered
Paper or Paperboard (Waste and Scrap), Paper and Paperboard and Articles
Chapter 47Pulp of wood or other fibrous cellulosic material, recovered paper or
paperboard (waste and scrap)
Chapter 48Paper and paperboard, articles made of paper pulp, or articles made of
paper or paperboard.
Chapter 49Printed books, pictures, newspapers, and other products of the printing
industry, typescripts, manuscripts, and plans
Section 11. Textile and Textile Articles
Chapter 50Silk and Silk Articles
Chapter 51Wool, fine or coarse animal hair, horse hair yarn and other woven fabrics
Chapter 52Cotton and Cotton Articles
Chapter 53Vegetable Textile Fibres and Paper Yarn
Chapter 54Man-Made Filaments and Strips
Chapter 55Man-made staple fibres
Chapter 56Wadding, Felt, Nonwovens, Special Yarns, Twine, Cordage, Ropes, Cables, and Related Articles
Chapter 57Carpets and other textile floor coverings
Chapter 58Special Woven Fabrics, Lace Tapestries, Tufted Textile Fabrics, Trimmings, and Embroidery
Chapter 59Impregnated, covered, coated, or laminated textile fabrics, and textile articles for industrial use
Chapter 60Knitted or crocheted fabrics
Chapter 61Articles of apparel and clothing accessories that are knitted or crocheted
Chapter 62Articles of apparel and clothing accessories not knitted or crocheted
Chapter 63Other Made-Up Textile Articles, Sets, Worn Clothing, and Textile Articles, and Rags
Section 12. Footwear, Headgear, Umbrellas, Walking Sticks and Seat Sticks,
Whips, Riding Crops and Parts Thereof, Artificial Flowers, Articles of
Human Hair, Prepared Feathers and Articles Made Thereof
Chapter 64Footwear and Parts Thereof
Chapter 65Headgear and Parts Thereof
Chapter 66Umbrellas, Sun Umbrellas, Walking Sticks, Seat Sticks, Riding Crops, and Parts Thereof, Including Whips
Chapter 67Feathers, Down, Artificial Flowers, and Hair-based Articles
Section 13. Articles Made of Stone, Plaster, Asbestos, Cement, Mica, or
Other Similar Materials, Glass and Glassware, Ceramic Products
Chapter 68Articles Made of Stone, Plaster, Cement, Asbestos, Mica, or Similar Materials
Chapter 69Ceramics and Pottery Items
Chapter 70Glass Products and Glassware Items
Section 14. Natural or Cultured Pearls, Precious Metals Clad With Precious
Metal and Articles Thereof, Precious or Semi-Precious Stones, Coins,
Imitation Jewellery
Chapter 71Natural or Cultured Pearls, Precious Metals, Metal Clad with Precious Metals, Precious or Semi-Precious Stones, Imitation Jewellery, and Coins
Section 15. Base Metal and Articles Made of Base Metal
Chapter 72Iron and Steel
Chapter 73Articles Made of Iron or Steel
Chapter 74Copper Products and Articles
Chapter 75Nickel Products and Articles
Chapter 76Aluminium Products and Articles
Chapter 77Reserved for Possible Future Use
Chapter 78Lead Products and Articles
Chapter 79Zinc Products and Articles
Chapter 80Tin Products and Articles
Chapter 81Miscellaneous Base Metals, Cermets, and Related Articles
Chapter 82Tools, Implements, Cutlery, and Parts Thereof Made of Base Metal
Chapter 83Miscellaneous Articles Made of Base Metal
Section 16. Machinery and Mechanical Appliances, Electrical Equipment and
Parts Thereof, Sound Reproducers and Recorders, Television Image and Sound
Reproducers and Recorders, and Parts and Accessories of Such Articles
Chapter 84Nuclear Reactors, Machinery, Mechanical Appliances, Boilers, and Parts Thereof
Chapter 85Electrical Machinery and Equipment, Sound Reproducers and Recorders, Television Image and Sound Reproducers and Recorders, and Parts and Accessories Thereof
Section 17. Vehicles, Aircraft, Vessels, and Associated Transport
Chapter 86Tramway or Railway Locomotives, Track Fixtures and Fittings, Rolling Stock, and Traffic Signalling Equipment
Chapter 87Motor Vehicles and Their Components
Chapter 88Aerospace Vehicles and Their Components
Chapter 89Ships, Boats, and Floating Structures
Section 18. Optical, Photographic, Cinematographic, Checking, Measuring,
Precision, Medical or Surgical Instruments and Apparatus, Musical
Instruments, Clocks and Watches, Parts and Accessories Thereof
Chapter 90Optical, Photographic, Cinematographic, Checking, Measuring, and Precision Equipment
Chapter 91Clocks, Watches, and Parts Thereof
Chapter 92Musical Instruments and Accessories
Section 19. Arms and Ammunition, Parts and Accessories Thereof
Chapter 93Arms, Ammunition, and Accessories
Section 20. Miscellaneous Manufactured Articles
Chapter 94Furniture, Mattresses, Bedding, Lamps, and Prefabricated Buildings
Chapter 95Toys, Games, and Sporting Goods
Chapter 96Miscellaneous Manufactured Products
Section 21. Works of Art, Collectors, Pieces and Antiques
Chapter 97Works of Art, Collectors Items, and Antiques
Chapter 98Project Imports, Laboratory Chemicals, Personal Imports by Air or Post, Passenger’s Baggage, Ship Stores
Chapter 99Classification of Services


In conclusion, HSN and SAC codes play a crucial role in the taxation and classification of goods and services under the GST regime in India. Understanding these codes and their implications is essential for businesses to ensure regulatory compliance, manage tax liabilities effectively, and streamline their operations. By following the guidelines outlined in this guide and staying updated with the latest developments, businesses can navigate through HSN and SAC codes with confidence and efficiency. Whether you’re a small-scale trader or a multinational corporation, mastering the intricacies of HSN and SAC codes is key to success in today’s dynamic business environment.

Disclaimer: The information provided on this website regarding HSN, SAC, and GST codes is for general informational purposes only. While we aim to maintain accuracy, we do not guarantee the completeness or reliability of the information. Any reliance you place on such information, including HSN, SAC, and GST codes, is at your own risk. We are not liable for any loss or damage arising from the use of this website. For verification and further information, you can visit the official GST portal and the CBIC (Central Board of Indirect Taxes and Customs) website.